Blue & Gold Banquet
To celebrate the birthday month of Scouting in America, Pack 94 holds our Blue & Gold banquet each February.
The Blue & Gold Banquet is the traditional opportunity to celebrate and recognize all of the great advancement work our Cubs have done throughout the year. Many Scouts will be receiving their badges of rank at this time.
The highlight of the Blue & Gold Banquet, as always, will be the Crossover Ceremony. After our Webelos II Scouts are presented with their Arrow of Light (Cub Scouting's highest honor), they'll take their first steps as Boy Scouts, joining the Troop of their choosing.
Each year, the Blue & Gold Committee selects an appropriate theme and the hall will feature corresponding decorations made by our Cub Scouts. The event also includes a photo montage of great Pack 94 memories, family-friendly entertainment and delicious food and desserts.
Parents: There are many tasks that require adult volunteer help. Please speak to your Den Leader about these opportunities.

The History of the
Blue and Gold
"The story of the Blue and Gold originates in the depression years of the 1930s. In 1933 "Cub Leaders' Round Table" suggested Parent-Cub dinners. Some of the first ones noted were in Milwaukee; Wilcox, Arizona; and Michigan City, Indiana. Pack 1 of Michigan City started the tradition of pot-lucks, but with a twist. The dads were to bring utensils made of wood and carved, sawed or whittled by the cub and his dad. Throughout the later years of the 1930s there were a number of father and son bean dinners and Cub family dinners. In the early 1940s the name "Blue and Gold Banquet started to be used and first appeared in BSA literature in 1943.
If I had to do a quick introduction to the history of the Blue and Gold, I think I'd tell the Pack that the idea of a Blue and Gold Banquet is a very special reminder about the Cub Scout motto "Do Your Best." Why? Because when times were hard during the depression and when families were separated during a terrible war, everyone did their best for their families to celebrate the accomplishment of young Scouts. As then we are proud of our Cubs because when things get tough, they always do their best."
from Michael F. Bowman
NCAC, BSA (Virginia)

Tickets can be purchased in person via cash/check at monthly Pack Meetings.
2023 Event Information
venue site:
Silver Lakes Country Club
14700 82nd Ave, Orland Park, IL
Scouts (free)
1 Parent (free)
Additional Adults ($25)
Children 3-11 ($16)
Class A