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Lion Cubs 1-2-3

The development of a kindergarten program lets us provide exciting opportunities for more of America’s youth to be reached with the purposeful outcomes only Scouting can provide.

Because this is a new effort, BSA didn't try to recycle older or existing programs. Instead, the Lion curriculum has been developed by a diverse group of experts. Representatives from the fields of childhood development, education and child psychology contributed to create a high-quality, age-appropriate, family-friendly program. Content from proof-of-concept locally-developed programs was reviewed by the team, and the very best pieces were applied to the new curriculum. BSA's high standard of delivering a program focused on character and leadership remained a paramount goal.

A small number of councils have tested the new curriculum over the past two years, and it is now ready to expand as a national pilot.



Lion Adventures are happening every single month!


Learn about the Lion Program



Lion Activities

In Lions, you’ll find the familiar concepts of character development, leadership skills, personal fitness and citizenship weaved into activities that are age-appropriate and fun.

“Adventures,” which are themed sets of activities and experiences, will help families explore the world around them.

Lions will form into dens of six to eight children. Parents will serve as “Lion Guides.”

When completing an adventure, a Lion will earn an “adventure sticker” for their Lion Adventure Book.

Instead of the blue button-up uniform, Lions will love wearing their very own Lion T-shirt. The shirts will be available at Scout Shops in councils that are piloting the Lion program. Lions won’t wear the Cub Scout uniform until they are old enough to officially transition into Cub Scouting as a Tiger.

from the "Bryan on Scouting" blog.

Lion dens will be invited to some pack meetings and events with a focus on keeping the kindergarteners excited, engaged and ready for even more fun in their future Scouting endeavors.

Lions won't be ready to participate in some traditional Cub Scout activities such as shooting sports, overnights, aquatic activities and fundraising. But rest assured they'll be having some of the most fun a kindergartener can have!

Parents & Leaders

Pack 94 designates an experienced adult volunteer leader as the Lion Coordinator in order to ensure Lion families get the most out of this exciting new program. We'll be following the official BSA Lion Curriculum, but we'll also squeeze in more opportunities for fun throughout the year thanks to our strong program and deep connections with community organizations.

A parent or guardian is required to attend all Lion meetings and activities with their Scout. This is to ensure both the effectiveness of the program, and more importantly, the safety of all Scouts in the program.

Each Lion Den will need a parent/guardian to serve as the primary Den Leader, but leadership responsibilities will be shared among all parents in the Den. Pack 94 will ensure each Den has an appropriate meeting venue. We'll also make sure the Den has access to all of the resources they need -- craft supplies, skill expertise, etc.

As a large Cub Scout Pack, rest assured that any volunteer serving in a leadership role will have great support from the Pack 94 leadership. We're one big family and we're VERY excited to welcome younger family members into the fold.


Lion Program Information:

(click/tap to view PDF)

Lion Uniform & Adventure Book:

Click here to read more information about the Lion Program on the BSA Website.

was one of the original
Cub Scout
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